Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Big Question (Thought #9)


The other day I was thinking about the morosity of the fact that life has no higher purpose than living. And even if it did, that purpose would achieve nothing. Well, I guess the purpose of life is the evolution of man and every individual so that humanity can make itself evolve and on and on in a loop. But even that has no higher purpose. And whatever the highest purpose is, it doesn't have a higher one. So here you go: we are stuck in a purposeless world by paradoxical situation. Lovely.

But that was the scientific way to see it. Think about it: the evolution of one throughout one's life is priceless. To me, a fulfilled life and a fulfilled individual is one who has acquired a full conscience of one's self and surroundings. It is when your understanding—not your knowledge—of yourself and other is at its greatest potential. Of course, some people say fulfilling a life is getting a Nobel Prize, or a Pulitzer Prize, or whatever prize you can think of, but what's the point if you're unhappy?

No, no, no, I say that since life has no purpose, we must make one, and we must make the best of life while it lasts. We don't live forever. Soon, we'll be able to (technology, just download yourself to another surrogate once you're too damaged) but imagine the number of people against the ethics of defying what life created? Whether you think it's defying God, or science, what it truly is defying is humanity. Personally, I think it's a great idea, because what if you want to enjoy life just a little longer? Although I'm getting off topic here. What I'm saying is we gotta make the best of what we're given. And the greatest gift we were given, apart from life, is each other.

What would man do if he was stuck in a non-societal world? We base almost all of our reactions on other human beings. Sometimes it's for a reputation or self-image, the standards people set, changing for the best, etc. Most of all, we learn lessons from each other. Humans are made to live in society, and thank God or whoever for all 7 billion other people on Earth. Although of course, there's the subject of overpopulation, which sucks, and hopefully we have a nice pandemic to deal with that.

Just kidding. Although we do need something. But that's not what I'm here to talk about (maybe later I'll talk about the ethical views of overpopulation).

The perfection of life is that we are unable to fathom life differently. What I mean is: nature is perfect. Things grow on their own, plants let us live and feed insects, insects feed birds, birds feed some animals, and all that food chain thing which is too long for me to write out. Everything works out perfectly. And the laws of physics are fascinating: gravity, heat=light, energy, speed... And although the presence of alternate dimensions is quasi-certain, we can't possibly imagine a world with different laws of physics or different nature or where the five senses are different. Of course, we can imagine minor differences (well, somewhat minor) like everything having two heads (thank you Family Guy) or gravity being much lighter or colors being different. I'm making a lot of lists today.

Anyways you get the point, I'm pretty sure there isn't much left to say at this level, so yeah.
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Anyways, comment, subscribe, and send feedback!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

6th Dimension: Time (Thought #8)

Isn't time the most wonderful thing? Well, actually... isn't it kind of annoying? It slows down when you're bored, speeds up when you're stressed, and we all know it's relative but to what? It's a total (ahem, excuse my language) mindfuck, to think that you're working and time feels increasingly slow, and then you look over at the person next to you playing computer games and you think, "Right now, this moment is passing by impossibly quickly for them." You could almost say we constantly time travel back and forth: say that stressed out people live shorter lives, not in statistics (although that's true too) but that 50 years for them feels like 40 years for another person. Then again, people who read all day, or do nothing, or when they're sick, their 50 years could feel like 60 years to another. I don't even know what to say.

DALI—The Persistence of Memory.
Most confusing thing ever. It's completely (ahem) fucked up. Really. You have to admit, Dali represented time perfectly. It stretches to infinities but can fit in small spaces, yet it's so malleable, stretchy, but like a rubber band it can just snap back and whip your fingers. It's actually really frustrating. I don't really know why there's a dead tree in the middle of nowhere. Actually, I don't even care. This isn't the time for a Dali analysis.

So, time also has quite an effect on memory (another Dali reference, sorry...). Memories tend to exaggerate themselves as time passes, yet some details you can remember perfectly. Also, déjà vu. Okay, we all know (maybe not all of us) that the true reason for déjà vu is simply that the brain processes the current memory twice by accident. But if you want to look at the less scientific part of it, when you get a déjà vu, the first thing you immediately ask yourself is, "Wait. When could this possibly have ever happened?" and then the endless time-searching begins.

I could go onnn and onnnn forever about time. But, speaking about it, I'm running out of time and it's getting late. Maybe I'll update this into a more complete thought, later. Bye for now!
PS: Comment and send feedback!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Psychedelia (Thought #7)

In my previous post I said I would talk about psychedelic experiences, since they were somewhat related to adrenaline. So, here it is.

Getting high without drugs or alcohol is honestly quite simple, especially when tired. Very often it can be based on adrenaline, for example you can get high off of speed (not the drug, but going fast) and you might see a bunch of colors. There is a certain point you reach in adrenaline where you are on top of the world (I mentioned this earlier, just refreshing your memory ∑:3) and at this point you are ready to do anything.

It's like saying, "I'm psyched." Obviously this term comes from something, doesn't it? When you're excited, or extremely tired, you'll start goofing off and doing whatever you please. I guess it's a form of psychedelia, and we can almost get as stupid while in that state as if we were actually drugged. Some people also willingly put themselves in that state, through things like this or videos like the one below.

Once, I was exhausted and some idiot thought it was a good idea to tell me to watch psychedelic videos. I was fine, just practically hallucinating. Anyways, it turned out to be one of those experiences that are enjoyable, but not to be done again. I did have fun, but I'm pretty sure my mom won't ever look at me the same again after I pretended to be a plane :P

So, there you have it, psychedelia in full sight. Well, I'll say I didn't exactly do a profound analysis, it was more of a rant, but this is what goes through my mind, not what I write after 3 hours of research!

I'm actually glad I get more ideas now, I was a little dry which is why I didn't write for a while. So comment and follow, I'll write soon!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Adrenaline (thought #6)

You know when you listen to that awesome music that uplifts your soul, or when you're about to cliff-dive, or when you're running, or fighting, or dancing, and suddenly...

You're on top of the world.

 Adrenaline, probably one of the best feelings on Earth—when self-esteem doesn't matter, and you're ready to face anything. Except homework :P

It opens the door to a whole new world, on the verge of a psychedelic experience (I will talk about psychedelia soon), a world where all laws are defied, where you're no longer yourself, and you can be anything.

Only problem with adrenaline is, when you're experiencing it you usually act and look completely ridiculous, either terrified or completely euphoric—it's one of those moments that you shouldn't look back on and criticize yourself.

Adrenaline with friends, way more extreme than by yourself. It just makes you feel limitless, like you own everything, and in those moments, you really do.

I guess love is adrenaline too, right? You just get high on that person's presence, smell, voice, their eyes... But that's in between adrenaline and psychedelia.

So, I guess adrenaline tells you to never let go, because it's one of the best reasons to live, that moment where you feel like nothing can get the best of you. I got this idea when I got high off of this amazing dubstep music :) Props to primitivedubstep on soundcloud, sensational music, really.


PS: Thanks for all the views! Please follow and comment! Also, you're welcome to send feedback at

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Friendship (Thought # 5)

I haven't written in FOREVER, so I'm really sorry X(

So, a thought today... the lamest sounding topic ever, but sincerely one of the best.
Friendship. There's so many different types and levels of friendships. There are some friends you truly love, with whom you share everything (or almost everything), even your deepest secrets. Not everyone has such a close friend, but most people find them eventually.

The best friend I have is back where I used to live, and I miss her like Hell... I feel really torn apart without her. I told her everything (almost :P), and still do when I can call her (which is about once a month :( ) and she told me everything. We were like twins, only we never fought. So, not everybody gets the chance to meet someone that special. I'm glad I did.

But here comes the analysis: there's a different type of friendship for everyone... every person has a different relationship to you, because we all appeal to one another differently. That is why the dimension of relationships is so complex and varied. It's like an intricate web of differently shaped fibers.

Even love in itself is different. Love to a mother is different from the love to a father, as it is different to a sister, brother, lover, friend. It is undescribable to men, yet so precise at the same time. It is just one of those things to which you can not give words, and maybe it is better off this way. It is the silence of unsaid things that makes them more beautiful, and sometimes the crudity of words only waste away the concept. That is why the words "I love you" don't mean as much to me as they should. They are either lies, or profound understatements, therefore I don't give them the value most people (actually, most girls) do.

In fact, the words "please be my friend" mean much more to me. "I love you" is so precise, so... crude. It does not have the deep meaning so many people give it. Whereas "please be my friend" opens up so many doors, so many moments together, so many memories just waiting to be created. It has a world of expectations, a future in front of it. Friendship is the diversity and the infinity of memorable times, of times spent with a loved one. That is my conclusion.
