The other day I was thinking about the morosity of the fact that life has no higher purpose than living. And even if it did, that purpose would achieve nothing. Well, I guess the purpose of life is the evolution of man and every individual so that humanity can make itself evolve and on and on in a loop. But even that has no higher purpose. And whatever the highest purpose is, it doesn't have a higher one. So here you go: we are stuck in a purposeless world by paradoxical situation. Lovely.
But that was the scientific way to see it. Think about it: the evolution of one throughout one's life is priceless. To me, a fulfilled life and a fulfilled individual is one who has acquired a full conscience of one's self and surroundings. It is when your understanding—not your knowledge—of yourself and other is at its greatest potential. Of course, some people say fulfilling a life is getting a Nobel Prize, or a Pulitzer Prize, or whatever prize you can think of, but what's the point if you're unhappy?
No, no, no, I say that since life has no purpose, we must make one, and we must make the best of life while it lasts. We don't live forever. Soon, we'll be able to (technology, just download yourself to another surrogate once you're too damaged) but imagine the number of people against the ethics of defying what life created? Whether you think it's defying God, or science, what it truly is defying is humanity. Personally, I think it's a great idea, because what if you want to enjoy life just a little longer? Although I'm getting off topic here. What I'm saying is we gotta make the best of what we're given. And the greatest gift we were given, apart from life, is each other.
What would man do if he was stuck in a non-societal world? We base almost all of our reactions on other human beings. Sometimes it's for a reputation or self-image, the standards people set, changing for the best, etc. Most of all, we learn lessons from each other. Humans are made to live in society, and thank God or whoever for all 7 billion other people on Earth. Although of course, there's the subject of overpopulation, which sucks, and hopefully we have a nice pandemic to deal with that.
Just kidding. Although we do need something. But that's not what I'm here to talk about (maybe later I'll talk about the ethical views of overpopulation).
The perfection of life is that we are unable to fathom life differently. What I mean is: nature is perfect. Things grow on their own, plants let us live and feed insects, insects feed birds, birds feed some animals, and all that food chain thing which is too long for me to write out. Everything works out perfectly. And the laws of physics are fascinating: gravity, heat=light, energy, speed... And although the presence of alternate dimensions is quasi-certain, we can't possibly imagine a world with different laws of physics or different nature or where the five senses are different. Of course, we can imagine minor differences (well, somewhat minor) like everything having two heads (thank you Family Guy) or gravity being much lighter or colors being different. I'm making a lot of lists today.
Anyways you get the point, I'm pretty sure there isn't much left to say at this level, so yeah.
Thanks to Alpha123 for mentioning my blog in his, you guys should go check it out at http://alphawars.blogspot.com/
Anyways, comment, subscribe, and send feedback!
The other day I was thinking about the morosity of the fact that life has no higher purpose than living. And even if it did, that purpose would achieve nothing. Well, I guess the purpose of life is the evolution of man and every individual so that humanity can make itself evolve and on and on in a loop. But even that has no higher purpose. And whatever the highest purpose is, it doesn't have a higher one. So here you go: we are stuck in a purposeless world by paradoxical situation. Lovely.
But that was the scientific way to see it. Think about it: the evolution of one throughout one's life is priceless. To me, a fulfilled life and a fulfilled individual is one who has acquired a full conscience of one's self and surroundings. It is when your understanding—not your knowledge—of yourself and other is at its greatest potential. Of course, some people say fulfilling a life is getting a Nobel Prize, or a Pulitzer Prize, or whatever prize you can think of, but what's the point if you're unhappy?
What would man do if he was stuck in a non-societal world? We base almost all of our reactions on other human beings. Sometimes it's for a reputation or self-image, the standards people set, changing for the best, etc. Most of all, we learn lessons from each other. Humans are made to live in society, and thank God or whoever for all 7 billion other people on Earth. Although of course, there's the subject of overpopulation, which sucks, and hopefully we have a nice pandemic to deal with that.

The perfection of life is that we are unable to fathom life differently. What I mean is: nature is perfect. Things grow on their own, plants let us live and feed insects, insects feed birds, birds feed some animals, and all that food chain thing which is too long for me to write out. Everything works out perfectly. And the laws of physics are fascinating: gravity, heat=light, energy, speed... And although the presence of alternate dimensions is quasi-certain, we can't possibly imagine a world with different laws of physics or different nature or where the five senses are different. Of course, we can imagine minor differences (well, somewhat minor) like everything having two heads (thank you Family Guy) or gravity being much lighter or colors being different. I'm making a lot of lists today.
Anyways you get the point, I'm pretty sure there isn't much left to say at this level, so yeah.
Thanks to Alpha123 for mentioning my blog in his, you guys should go check it out at http://alphawars.blogspot.com/
Anyways, comment, subscribe, and send feedback!
thats deep....
ReplyDeletebut seriously i think that life does have a purpose. can you imagine what nothing would be? like nothing at all? i think life had to be there. i am so thankful there are other people here, especially certain people. (you know what i mean anais) You know what's weird? you could be the only living thing ever and everyone else could just be hallucinations of your insane mind.
but i don't believe that, its just a thought, and to quote mr. sewell "we could be living in the stomach of a cosmic elephant"
But yet, it hasn't started raining hay yet so…