Today I will talk about our different personalities. You know how that person you are at work is completely different from who you were in school, which is completely different from who you were at home with your parents, which is completely different from who you were at family meetings, which is completely different from who you were with your friends, which is completely different from— I could go on and on forever.

Who are you? Nobody can answer that with the simple template "I am [name] I like to [hobbies] I am [age] and I describe myself as [adjectives]." We could all talk for hours about who we are, not necessarily egotistically, but simply because we are complex beings.
Being put in different situations is often the cause of our difference in personalities; when going out to a restaurant you might dress up nicely not only for whoever you may be going with, but also to attract the public eye. It is not a matter of reputation or popularity, but rather an attention to detail and the wish for feeling appreciated.
Say you are a student, and you and your parents get in a fight in the morning, right before going to school. You may be boiling with anger and on the verge of tears, but often when at school and with friends the anger tends to evaporate and you revert to your regular, cheery self (or whoever you are in school).
Needless to say we are indescribably unique not because of our personality, but because of our personalities (and other things such as physical attributes). So if you happen to be bored, just make a list of the people you are, it could occupy you until you find something more interesting.
PS: don't forget to comment :)
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